Investigation of the possibility for the stereoselective production of carba sugar derivatives in high purity and yield, starting from simple basic chemicals. The investigation of biological properties or biological effects will be used as a basis for the selection of further target substances.

Within the scope of this project, various synthesis options for the preparation of carba-sugar derivatives will be developed and evaluated. At the moment, the classical route to carba sugar derivatives such as carbaglucosamine is via the complex derivatization of monosaccharides such as glucosamine.This involves synthesis steps in which toxicologically and ecologically questionable reagents such as mercury salts are used , or in which poor yields and/or stereoselectivities are achieved. Accordingly, novel, ideally simpler synthetic routes that allow transfer to technical scales are of greatest interest, especially for pharmaceutical applications.
Simple clyclohexanes/cyclohexenes serve as starting compounds, which are to be converted into carba-sugar derivatives in as few steps as possible using conventional organic chemical methods.This involves synthesis steps in which toxicologically and ecologically questionable reagents such as mercury salts are used , or in which poor yields and/or stereoselectivities are achieved. Accordingly, novel, ideally simpler synthetic routes that allow transfer to technical scales are of greatest interest, especially for pharmaceutical applications.
Simple clyclohexanes/cyclohexenes are to serve as starting compounds, which are to be converted into carba-sugar derivatives in as few steps as possible using conventional organic chemical methods. First of all, a detailed planning is useful and necessary to estimate the potential products and the stereochemistry behind them. Subsequently, the first chemical syntheses are to be carried out, which ideally lead to products that can be investigated for their biological properties.
Within the scope of this preliminary project, the synthetic carba-sugar derivatives will be tested for anti-bacterial activity (E.Coli, MRSA). In order to assess directions for additional synthetic further development of potential bioactivities, effects on cellular transcription of selected compounds will be determined by mRNA sequencing and data analysis.

  • Project duration
  • Research ThemeMedical Technologies


The project is part of the CoHMed project



Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Magnus SchmidtPhone 07720 307-4613

Schmidt Group


Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Hans-Peter DeignerPhone 07720 307-4232

Deigner Group